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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Cranky, cranky...

In an effort to fit into my bridesmaid's dress, I've decided to take a drastic, albeit ridiculous and unhealthy approach to losing weight: basically starving myself. I've never done this before and believe me, it sucks. I've only been doing this since Tuesday and it's not too bad - I am eating some stuff, a lot of celery, some oatmeal in the morning, soup for lunch and more flavored tea than I care to ever drink again. I fell off the wagon a bit last night - we went to a housewarming where I indulged in some appetizers and white bread and a glass of wine: the most food I've eaten in four days in one sitting. I cannot believe I'm doing this.

I've lost 6 pounds in a week and a half and at least two of them are from this crazy eating idea. don't fret, dear friends, this will be OVER next saturday. I only have an inch left to do up on zipper.

I am one cranky lady today.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there .. Heather

    Patience pays in the long run..Oh did I say Run..gtg..bye
